Video Marketing

We Edited Over 1000+ Videos, Here's What We Learned From It

Feb 1, 2023

Image Credits: Via Ron Lach


First few minutes of the video are crucial if you want to catch attention and get the viewers to watch. Here it's not so much about video editing but about story.

4 min. read

4 min. read

4 min. read

We Edited Over 1000+ Videos, Here's What We Learned From It

Our creative team edited over 1000+ videos for YouTube.

Here are 3 things that make a video go VIRAL.

First few minutes of the video are crucial if you want to catch attention and get the viewers to watch, here it's not so much about video editing but about storytelling, you need a good story to lure the viewers in.

It needs to provide value in a form of storytelling, education or emotional value.

Video needs to have a strong topic, again video editing doesn't play a big role here if your charisma is off and if you can't portray the story and the topic that you are talking about in the right way.

Analyze performance, see where your audience is leaving with YouTube analytics and how you can improve the editing of the video to keep it more interesting.

Video editing is important, but not as important as the story, so if you have a good story coupled with amazing video editing you will win.

While our team has edited over 1000+ videos, each project has been a learning experience.

Virality is a blend of art and science – where storytelling, value, analytical editing, and relentless testing is the key!

Keep these insights in mind, and remember, persistence is key in going VIRAL!

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